Frequently asked Questions
How do I pay for the service?
Private patients can pay on the day using our portable payment device or cash. We will issue a tax invoice via email.
How do I get a private health rebate?
You can submit the tax invoice that we provide after payment to your private health insurance if you have cover.
Can I get a Medicare rebate?
You must have an eligible GP referral to receive a rebate through Medicare. We accept referrals from your GP, please send through your referral ahead of your appointment or your GP can fax it to us. Once you have paid for the appointment we will provide a tax invoice for you to submit to Medicare. Medicare rebates are usually $60 per appointment, there is an out of pocket expense.
Are there any other fees?
Please see our cancellation policy. If you need to cancel your appointment within 24 hours there may be a charge for your session. If our podiatrist visits your home and you are not there for your appointment, you will be charged for that appointment.
If you require any devices, for example a cam boot or post op shoe, these are charged on top of your appointment, these will be discussed with your podiatrists on the day if required.
Can my NDIS plan pay for my podiatry visit?
If you are eligible for podiatry and are plan managed we can work with your plan manager directly. If you are self-managed you can pay for the service using your plan if you are approved for podiatry.
Can a Home Care Package pay for my Home Visit?
Yes, you are able to use your Home Care Package to pay for your podiatry home visit. We will work directly with your provider so that there are not out of pocket expense and complete the paperwork in the background.